Support the establishment of a Center to combat and eradicate racism.


CBAP™ is an independent alumni group that has coalesced to support the call for and establishment of a center that institutionalizes the University’s commitment to combat and eradicate racism.

Our work is strengthened through collaboration with affinity groups, and we work through consensus-building to organize around the idea that diverse experiences, views, and skills are indispensable to understand different needs and create sustainable change.

CAUTION: Project 2025 and its Implications

with Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith

Please join Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 4PM Eastern for our Sunday Forum entitled: CAUTION: Project 2025 and its Implications.

Project 2025 threatens to dismantle crucial civil rights protections fought for by communities of color and their allies. It makes radical proposals that could erode the rule of law, weaken the separation of powers, and threaten civil liberties. Additionally, it is said to have far-reaching negative effects on climate policy, health care reform, and national security, as well as plans to downsize the federal government and change how it works, including altering the tax system, immigration enforcement, and social welfare programs. Join Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith as she breaks down the overall intent of Project 2025 and the ways in which these policy intentions will harm communities of color, women, the poor and the majority of Americans.

Our Work

Our Vision

CBAP™ proposes the establishment of a new academic entity at Princeton University, exclusively dedicated to the study of racism as a pervasive phenomenon in Western Civilization and global history.

Our Petition

Since launching our petition on July 28, 2020, to establish a Princeton Center dedicated to the remediation and eradication of systemic racism in America, CBAP™ has held over 100 meetings and received more than 500 signatories from alumni and students of all races.


The members of CBAP™ have been meeting several times a week since June 2020 to consolidate our engagement to advance this project.  Read news and updates regarding the project here.

Upcoming events.

Find out when our next meeting is. Join us.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
